Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10)

Known Issues

The following sections contain information about known issues in this Bentley Map release. You should report any other issues found while using this software. Please do not assume that others will report the information. However, it is not necessary to report any of the known issues described on this page.

Description Resolution
On computers that have DirectX 9 installed, when working with textures memory use is high and display performance is poor. Install DirectX 11 or higher to reduce memory usage and improve display performance. Please refer to the "How to install the latest version of DirectX" article for more information.
When using Map Manager symbology or thematic overrides, attempting to apply linear patterns, area patterns, hatching or crosshatching with small scales, spacing or pattern delta values (relative to the data) will result in lengthy processing times, often resulting in a hung process. Prior to applying a linear pattern, area pattern, hatching or crosshatching, ensure the input parameters (e.g. scale, spacing, delta etc...) are appropriate for the data being symbolized.
In the Bentley Geospatial Administrator, attempts to "Register Features..." on versioned tables with previously defined grants, fails to return all expected feature classes. It has been observed that if grants are made prior to versioning of tables to which the grant permissions referred, the problem occurs. The cause of this problem remains under investigation but at release time it is believed the cause relates to an underlying Oracle defect. To work around this issue, after versioning, the permissions can be granted without problems.
Performing locates from the "Data Browser" when seamless mapping is active can result in "Unable to retrieve instance id:" messages. This behavior is expected when a graphical source file (e.g. design file) has been automatically detached during seamless mapping events. At this time there is no known workaround.
In the "Data Browser" application, using the "Load All" method loads all feature instances in the session, not just those displayed in the "Map Manager" layer legend. Use an alternative load method such as "Load View", "Load Fence" or "Load Selection" to load the "Data Browser" with only those instances which are displayed.
In the Bentley Geospatial Administrator, when adding an Oracle Spatial Connection, after connecting with Oracle SSO (Single Sign On), there can be exceptions while registering features from the SSO user. For example an exception occurs when a domain is registered for such a feature, due to an internal query that can’t execute because of the odd SSO characters. At this time, no workaround is provided other than ensuring all database objects exist outside of the Oracle SSO user schema with the proper grants.
When features from an Oracle SSO (Single Sign On) user are registered and you start a session using the "exported" workspace, the expected "registered" feature classes don’t appear in the "Interoperability" application when you perform a “Oracle > Open Graphical Source” operation. At this time, no workaround is provided other than ensuring all database objects exist outside of the Oracle SSO user schema with the proper grants.
The context sensitive help functionality in the "Bentley Geospatial Administrator" application fails to load the proper help topic. None at this time.
When working in seamless mapping mode, display of features may be incorrect when a "print model" is active. It appears that the other feature classes that may be present in an attached design file also become available in the "print model". These extra feature classes can be turned off using the standard "Map Manager" layer controls.
Workspaces with schemas containing references to the System.Math.Round C-Expression will encounter unexpected "Expression handler error: -1" error messages at runtime. All references to the System.Math.Round C-Expression should be updated to use the new XFM.Round C-Expression as a temporary workaround.
When using the Interoperability application, exporting in "folder" mode appends to existing files as opposed to overwriting them. To prevent this action, simply delete the files before running the export process.
When attempting to run the DGN2SDO command line application, the error message "Unable to initialize the MicroStation Geospatial Extension." may be displayed. This error can occur due to various causes but often occurs on systems which lack installation of the required Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework components and related service pack. Verify that the Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework and related service pack are each properly installed.
Due to Oracle bug 4716096 (DOMAIN INDEX NOT PERFORMED IN QUERY ON VIEW BY A DIFFERENT USER) slow query times may be experienced when using views to access spatial layers located in another schema. This problem should occur only when using Oracle server, and this is resolved in Oracle server and in 11g. If you encounter this bug, your options are to either update your server version, or to grant the ‘Merge Any View’ privilege to your non-object owning schema.
Exported TAB file geometries if attached as a reference (or imported) don't coincide with the original geometry. This is a precision problem with the generated TAB files that can be overcome by specifying a geographic coordinate system for the master file such as EPSG:84 before exporting.
In Smart 3D Editing mode, the Draw on Solid command using non-linear geometry (circular arcs, curves, etc) could cause problems when dropping the solid back to an XFM feature instance. None at this time.
Prior to Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 1), text X Scale and Y Scale values were stored incorrectly in the database. In most cases, the actual text width and height values were stored. In Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 1) and later releases, text X Scale and Y Scale values are correctly stored as scale values. The scale value is calculated by dividing the actual text size by the Feature Definition text size. The Feature Definition text size computation is based on the current Plot Scale if Settings item ApplyDrawingScale is ON, and Settings items: TextStyle (Height and Width values from named Text Style), Scale, OverrideScale (if ApplyDrawingScale is ON), Height, Height Adjustment Scale and Width. If the Feature Definition text size is computed to equal zero, then scale value is set to 1.0. To determine the result of a Feature Definition text size computation, place a new text feature with the desired size and view the text size using the Element Info tool.

Tables containing these pre Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 1) incorrect MS_X_SCALE and MS_Y_SCALE column values will need to be updated. Depending on the current values in your scale columns, you may decide to:

Update all scale column values to 1.0. For example: UPDATE MyTable SET MS_X_SCALE=1.0, MS_Y_SCALE=1.0. And then query, rescale text appropriately, and post using Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 4) Update 8.

Compute and set the correct scale column value based on the current row’s column value and the Feature Definition text size as Bentley Map is now doing. Correctly computing this new column value assumes that the current column value was previously set to text height and width values that make sense for your data. If values make sense, then first get the Feature Definition text size by placing a new feature instance as previously described. Next divide each scale column value by the Feature Definition text size to compute the new scale factor. Set this scale factor in your column values. For example, if the Feature Definition text size is 2.0 and the current scale column value is 4.0, then you could assume that the user placed text at size 2.0, scaled it by 2.0 and posted it to the database. So, by setting scale column value to 2.0 would result in text with size 4.0 when queried from the database using Bentley Map. Example SQL UPDATE statement: UPDATE MyTable SET MS_X_SCALE = MS_X_SCALE / 2.0, MS_Y_SCALE = MS_Y_SCALE / 2.0 WHERE MyUniqueIdColumn = MyUniqueValue

Ignore current scale column value and compute and set the correct scale column value based on the desired text size in relation to the Feature Definition text size. For example, if Feature Definition text size is 5 and you want a particular text instance to be twice as large as un-scaled text, then set the current row’s scale column values to 2.0. For example: UPDATE MyTable SET MS_X_SCALE = 2.0, MS_Y_SCALE = 2.0

For text features that are registered as having the scale defined in the database, make sure to set Symbology item ApplyScaleOnEdit to OFF in your Feature Definition to prevent the overwrite of user specified text feature scaling with the Feature Definition text size/scale during feature edit. This symbology item may be added to a Feature Definition’s Symbology by right-clicking on the Symbology item in the Feature tree and choosing menu item "Add > Apply Scale On Edit". The default Bentley Map text edit processing uses the text size/scale in the Feature Definition's Symbology and ignores the current text geometry text size. By setting ApplyScaleOnEdit to OFF, Bentley Map text edit processing does not change the text size from whatever user defined scale was applied.

When attempting to query Oracle Spatial 3D instance data by fence, the following error may occur: ORA-13226: interface not supported without a spatial index ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723 ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 8 ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_3GL", line 71. For users running Oracle 11g R2 on non-Intel platforms, this should not be a problem. Upgrade to Oracle with the patch for bug 7710726 to resolve the problem. Search Oracle support sites for "11.1.0.x Oracle Database and Networking Patches for Microsoft Platforms [ID 560295.1]" or " Patch 8 ( 32-Bit Patch:8297200 64-Bit (x64) Patch:8297201" for additional details.
Installation of Bentley Map fails in some virtualization environments where MicroStation registry keys are not present.

Normally the Bentley Map installer reads MicroStation registry keys to determine the default installation path. However in some virtualization environments such as Microsoft SoftGrid, the required registry keys are not present thus preventing the Bentley Map installation to succeed. In these rare situations, the user must run a command line installation and specify the MicroStation installation location values manually. For this purpose, the Bentley Map installer ( and higher) now exposes the following two properties to manually set the installation path.

INTERNAL_PARENTPATH - Used to define the parent directory of the MicroStation installation on which you want to install.

INTERNAL_WORKSPACEPATH - Used to define the Workspace directory of the MicroStation installation on which you want to install.

Following is an example command line which illustrates use of the INTERNAL_PARENTPATH and INTERNAL_WORKSPACEPATH installer properties.

msiexec /i BentleyMap.msi INTERNAL_PARENTPATH="C:\Program Files\Bentley\" INTERNAL_WORKSPACEPATH="C:\Program Files\Bentley\Workspace\"

Note: Please note that the INTERNAL_PARENTPATH and INTERNAL_WORKSPACEPATH variables must be handled with care. A valid MicroStation must be installed and the proper directory path values must be entered. Any mistakes might cause unpredictable behavior of the application and is not supported by Bentley.

An exception occurs when attempting to perform a GML export (using GDI keyins) with a schema that contains sub-features. None at this time.
The Bentley Map installer includes the option to install the FME Extension functionality. Prior to the Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 1) release, the FME Extension functionality was delivered with a separate installation process. If the previously installed FME Extension functionality is uninstalled after installing this Bentley Map release, the FME Extension functionality will not operate and will produce a "The specified definition could not be found" error. To correct the problem, uninstall and reinstall this Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) product release with the FME Extension installation option selected. Please note that the installer "Repair" option does not resolve this problem.
The previously delivered "ProjectWise Links" functionality is no longer available. The "ProjectWise Links" functionality has been removed and is no longer available in the Bentley Map product. Users are encouraged to make use of the more versatile links and link sets functionality available from the MicroStation "Project Explorer" dialog. Search for "Links" in the MicroStation (or Bentley Map standalone) user documentation for additional information.
The context-sensitive (F1) help does not function properly in this release. None at this time.
Problems may be encountered when opening both the Bentley Map and MicroStation online help files simultaneously. We encourage users to open one (CHM) help file at a time.
Graticule definitions which reference a user defined coordinate system cannot be seen or edited if the custom coordinate system library definition cannot be found. To view or edit the coordinate system in the "Grids and Graticules" dialog, ensure that the custom coordinate system library definition has been setup correctly.
In Microsoft SQL Server tables, when the primary key column is non-numeric (e.g. GUID), the primary key value fails to populate for new feature instances. The primary key column should be defined as a "DEFAULT NEWID() PRIMARY KEY" data type.

FME Extension

This section contains information about known issues related to the FME Extension functionality.

Issue Details Formats
Unexpected errors occur during attempted import or export operations. Unexpected errors can occur during import and export operations when multiple versions of FME Desktop are installed. Therefore it is highly recommended that only a single installation of FME Desktop exist on machine when using the FME Extension functionality. All
Limitations with import of data that contains solid geometries. During import operations, solids will be converted to multi-surfaces because Bentley Map does not currently support solids. The immediate drawback is the loss of the solid semantic and inability to export back to solids. IFC
Text is not supported. Text geometry currently cannot be imported or exported as the XfmStorage doesn't support that yet. The FME Extension will ignore instances with text geometries and log a warning. MicroStation GeoGraphics
Issues with string lengths being too long in XFM. XFM appears to have some length limitations for string properties. However that limitation is not enforced when setting the string, but rather when retrieving the property on querying the instance, e.g. in DataBrowser or on export. It appears that the issue is not there after FME Extension is restarted after the import. KML, CityGML, LandXML
Structs are flattened during import operations. During import operations, structs are flattened out as properties, so a struct named 'Address', containing the properties 'Street' and 'Housenumber' will be incorporated as properties with the names 'Address.Street' and 'Address.Housenumber' respectively. FOT GML
Struct Arrays are not imported. FME Extension does not currently support modeling of structs and struct arrays. FOT GML
Structs are not exported. Any struct or struct array that an instance may contain will be stripped from the instance on export. A warning will be logged to inform the user that information has been lost on export. FME Extension does not currently support modeling of structs and struct arrays. Because structs are flattened at import, struct data still gets written at export if the feature definition is left unchanged. FOT GML
No support for multiple geometry properties. In very rare cases the user may want to import data where for a given instance multiple geometry properties exist (e.g., in CityGML a single WallSurface instance may have a geometry for LOD2 and one for LOD3). Since FME Extension does not currently support multiple geometries, only the first geometry property will be considered. Other geometry properties will be skipped and a warning will be logged. CityGML
Relationships are imported as foreign keys if the FME reader supports that. There is no conversion that creates XFM sub features for relations. FME Extension does not currently support that from a functionality point of view. CityGML
No texture support. No texture support is provided at this time. CityGML
No coordinate transformation on export.

During export, geometries will not be reprojected, so the exported geometries will be in the same projection as they were in FME Extension. However the coordinate system information is being exported. So the exported data knows the coordinate system it is in if the following conditions exist:

A valid coordinate system was assigned to the active design file in the FME Extension session.

The user selected a target coordinate system in the FME connection dialog.

Issues with exported spatial reference information.

For certain projections the resulting output in FME doesn't contain proper SRS information (e.g., Dutch RD projection).

Example output: <gml:Surface srsName="_FME_0" srsDimension="3">...</gml:Surface>

Incorrect schema generated by FOT GML export.

Since it isn't possible to set a schema file (XSD) in the FME dialog when exporting a file to GML, FME will always create its own schema file. This also means that the exported data might not validate with the official schema. The only way to ensure a proper export is by verifying that the feature structure (including structs + struct arrays) at export matches the official schema definition exactly.

One thing beyond our control is that FME also generates two geometry properties. One is a single geometry property, and the other is its multigeometry variant. For example:

<element ref="gml:curveProperty" minOccurs="0"/>

<element ref="gml:multiCurveProperty" minOccurs="0"/>

Also the used namespace in the GML output file is wrong:

<gml:FeatureCollection xmlns:gml=""




xsi:schemaLocation=" fot_out.xsd">

The installer complains that the ecom.config file is installed by another Bentley application.

Workaround if the installer complains that the ecom.config file is installed by another Bentley application:

Back-up the existing ecom.config and remove it from the specified directory and run the installer again. Note: Removing the existing ecom.config may break the applications that installed that config file

Non-planar polygons are ignored. Some data files contain polygons which are non-planar. Technically they are invalid, and the associative regions don't match them well because of this. But neither FME nor Bentley Map throws an exception, writes a log message, or does anything else because of it. All
Import of certain IFC features cause a property type mismatch error. In some cases FME provides additionally redundant properties (e.g. the same property will be delivered as string with comma separated values and as array). This leads to a property type mismatch error. The redundant property will be discarded. 3D Data
Holes in vertical surfaces aren't always detected properly on export. Many 3D data, especially CityGML data, has vertically oriented features, like walls. Often they contain holes, like windows. In special circumstances (close parallel surfaces) holes don't get exported properly. Generally the distance between two walls is large enough to work properly, but the distance between the two sides of a window is often too small. 3D Data
Swapping two properties in schemamapping does not work. Example: given a class with the properties "name" and "description," the user chooses to assign the name property to description, and the description property to name. The exchange will complete with warnings. The log will list argumentExceptions, because the reclassifier cannot handle this. All
Exporting ESRI File Based Geodatabase files.

When creating a new ESRI File Based Geodatabase during export, an ESRI ArcView license level will not work. You must have a license of ESRI ArcEditor or ESRI ArcInfo.

In the FME Extension when exporting to ESRI formats, ArcGIS must be installed on the same machine as Bentley Map and the FME Desktop software. ArcGIS and FME Desktop must be both licensed. When creating a new ESRI File Based Geodatabase, you must have a license of ArcEditor or upper, an ArcView license level will not work.

Workaround: Creating the File Based Geodatabase in ArcCatalog and using it in the FME Extension should provide the ability to export.

ESRI File Based Geodatabase (GDB)
Exporting LandXML files.

While attempting to export data to LandXML file format, an "Exchange failed" error message occurs indicating "FME Error(s): There was a problem writing out the 'Alignments' and 'Alignment' elements. The problem was: 'Item id must be globally unique'. LandXML requires that 'Name' attributes are globally unique. If features have non-unique values for the 'Name' attribute, the attribute will need to be renamed."

At this time exporting of the LandXML file format is not supported.

Importing existing CityGML files. A schema mapping problem occurs for the AuxiliaryTrafficArea feature which causes FME Desktop 2010 to provide the property “citygml_function” with an incorrect property type. This issue should be fixed in a future FME Desktop release but for now we recommend to uncheck this property when importing AuxiliaryTrafficArea features when using the FME Desktop 2010 product. CityGML
In CityGML xlink:href references are ignored. In the current CityGML support xlink:href references are ignored (this is due to a limitation in FME Safe Software). Please refer to the FME Community. CityGML
No support for TIN relief features. FME Extension does not currently support TIN relief features. CityGML

Advanced Map Finishing

This section contains information about known issues related to the "Advanced Map Finishing" functionality.

Description Resolution
"Advanced Map Finishing" does not support MicroStation display priority. To properly order your documents for correct layer display, use the Table Printing Control. The Table Printing Control selects elements by type and symbology and prints them in the order defined in the control. The Table Control can be saved in a file to be easily applied to other files to promote a standard order across many files and projects. The control can also be used to easily resymbolize and mask features in drawings to create different output depending on job requirements.
Fence by element causes ERROR5: Can't create tiff file when printing to an EPS file. None at this time.
Dynamic view not working properly when "Advanced Map Finishing" functionalities are loaded. None at this time.
When using the Full Halo tool, you may see small, unwanted cracks on the element after generating a graduated halo around the element. None at this time.
The generated EPS file does not take rotation into account or is not rotated by 90 degrees. None at this time.
The Outline Text tool does not work on Flexi-Text elements. It only works on MicroStation text. None at this time.
The Quill border does not display properly in the Quill dialog box after deleting existing text in the frame. None at this time.

Cadastral Mapping Configuration

This section contains information about known issues related to the "Cadastral Mapping Configuration" functionality.

Description Resolution
The MODIFY and REMOVE persistent topology (PTOPO) commands are unavailable when using the "Cadastral Mapping Configuration". Use the corresponding "Cadastral Mapping Configuration" tool.
Group edits including selection set and fence operations cause problems with the synchronization of the topology model with the feature geometries. None at this time. Do not use group edits on "Cadastral Mapping Configuration" generated data.
The Bentley Map SPLIT and MERGE polygon commands do not properly maintain topology model and related business properties. Use the "Cadastral Mapping Configuration" equivalent SPLIT and MERGE tools to ensure data integrity.
The “Create (Build) from Linework” command will not process non-circular ellipses (i.e., those having different primary and secondary axis lengths). Only true circles will be processed. Non-circular ellipses are ignored. None at this time.

Advanced Raster Processing

This section contains information about known issues related to the "Advanced Raster Processing" functionality.

Description Resolution
Advanced textures in Model A are corrupted after running "Convert as Texture" in Model B. None at this time.
An Oracle connection error results when using connect descriptor options in the "Oracle Connect" dialog. None at this time.
The context-sensitive (F1) help does not function properly. None at this time.
Users may encounter some problems when opening both the "Advanced Raster Processing" and MicroStation online help files simultaneously. Users are encouraged to open one (CHM) help file at a time.
If an STM is created, and an STM of the same name is present in the same folder as the DGN, then the STM in the DGN folder will be attached instead of the newly created STM in the alternate folder. None at this time.
In the case of an STM generated from breaklines, some contour lines may not be closed. None at this time.
It is not possible to extract a raster grid of more than 50 million points. None at this time.
Clips are not applied correctly when an STM source list contains a boundary and a mask. None at this time.
An STM cannot be generated when a clip element is intersecting a void element in the source list. None at this time.
In some cases the classification of a point cloud will be changed if an operation is performed on the point cloud. Known examples include placing a slab and creating an STM from point cloud. The original classification can be restored by detaching and attaching the point cloud.
An elbow cannot be adjusted if one of the pipes that was used to create the elbow is missing. None at this time.
Class ID #66 should not be used for class definitions. This ID is used as the default value used when editing in a user channel. None at this time.
The point recolorizing option available in 3D Line Following tool and in Section Slave views works only if the view presentation style is not set to None. None at this time.